Link Search Menu Expand Document


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Loose Agenda

  • Create a markdown document
  • See it interpreted in GitHub

Step by Step

Setup Playground

Create a directory for today’s exercise and navigate to it in a terminal instance.

Open Visual Studio Code to the directory created for today’s exercise.

Create a file named

Create a Markdown Document

Markdown is a way to draft plain text files such that they can be consistently parsed for formatting/styling. It supports a number of different elements.


  • Headings can be set with the # character. # is the largest heading and the headings decrease in weight as the number of ## increase.

Enter the following headings into our file

# Fruit

## Emphasis

## List

## Ordered List

## Table

### Additional Reading


  • Emphasis can be entered via surrounding text with *. A single * such as in *italic* indicates an italic output while two * such as in **bold** indicates bold output.

Let’s adjust our Emphasis heading to include the following

## Emphasis

In botany, a **fruit** is the seed-bearing structure in flowering *plants* that is formed from the ovary after flowering.

Unordered Lists

  • Unordered lists can be created via - or *. I tend to stick to - to prevent confusion with italics.

Let’s update our ## List content to include a bullet list

## List
A bullet list:

- Fruit
    - Apple
    - Orange
    - Pear
    - Kiwi
    - Banana

Ordered Lists

  • Ordered lists can be created via starting a line such as 1. .
## Ordered List
The clearly prioritized list
1. Apple
2. Kiwi
3. Orange
4. Banana
5. Pear


  • Tables can be created as following
    | header1  | header2 |
    | -        | -       | 
    | item1    | item 2  |  

Let’s add a Table to our Table section

## Table
| Food      | Tasty? |
| -         | -      |
| Apple     | Yes    |
| Kiwi      | Yes    |
| Orange    | Yes    |
| Banana    | Yes    |
| Pear      | Yes    |
  • Links can be created via inline or reference syntax.
    • To create an inline link wrap text in hard brackets [] and immediately follow the brackets with parathesis containing the link () e.g. - [Google](
    • To create a reference link declare a link with an identifier at the bottom of your document as follows [google-site]: Anywhere else in your document can now refer to that link via [Google][google-site].
  • Code snippets can be specified with backtick quotes `. You can use multiple backticks for opening and closing a snippet.
    • Note - some markdown interpretors will support language specification for code snippets. Simply start a multi-line code snippet with backticks and the language identifier e.g. - ```json

Let’s add an inline link to the Additional Reading section:

### Additional Reading

To learn more about `fruit` read [this wikipedia page](


  • Images can be linked per the link syntax prefixed with a ! character. e.g. - ![Non-Zero Logo](

Let’s add an image to the end of our file.

### Additional Reading

To learn more about `fruit` read [this wikipedia page](

![Non-Zero Logo](

Full Markdown

Our now looks like the following.

# Fruit

## Emphasis

In botany, a **fruit** is the seed-bearing structure in flowering *plants* that is formed from the ovary after flowering.

## List
A bullet list:

- Fruit
    - Apple
    - Orange
    - Pear
    - Kiwi
    - Banana

## Ordered List
The clearly prioritized list
1. Apple
2. Kiwi
3. Orange
4. Banana
5. Pear

## Table
| Food      | Tasty? |
| -         | -      |
| Apple     | Yes    |
| Kiwi      | Yes    |
| Orange    | Yes    |
| Banana    | Yes    |
| Pear      | Yes    |

### Additional Reading

To learn more about `fruit` read [this wikipedia page](

![Non-Zero Logo](

Let’s push it to our GitHub repository and see what it looks like.

Congratulations on a non-zero day!

Additional Resources