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Create a Postgres server Create a Postgres database Insert, Update, Read and Delete data

Step by Step

Obtain a Postgres Server Without Docker

Run the Postgres install

Accept the defaults of the install and provide a password such as notdocker

Note - if you change any of the defaults then pay attention to substitute those values later.

Obtain a Postgres Server With Docker

Pull and run the postgres docker image

docker pull postgres:11
docker run -d --rm -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres postgres:11

Pull and run the pgAdmin docker image

docker pull dpage/pgadmin4:5
docker run -p 81:80 -e '' -e 'PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=docker' -d dpage/pgadmin4:5

Open a browser to http://localhost:81

With PgAdmin open in your preferred browser, log in with the credentials specified above.

In the browser window, right click the Server node and click Create > Server

Enter a name for the server in the General tab then navigate to the Connection tab.

Enter host.docker.internal for the Host name/address

Enter the username postgres and the password docker then click Save

Create a Database

First let’s create a database.

In PgAdmin you can right-click the databases node in the Browser window and click Create > Database

Let’s name the database nonzerodatabase

Note that you can now right click the database and click CREATE Script to obtain a SQL script to generate this database.

Let’s now right-click the database and click Query Tool

Enter the following script in the Query Tool window and click the Execute button (or hit F5 with the window selected.)


   id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
   name TEXT NOT NULL,
   age INT NOT NULL,
   address CHAR(50)

Manipulate Data

Now that we have a database and table, let’s manipulate some data.

Let’s start by verifying there’s nothing in the table. In the Query Tool enter and run the following script.

SELECT * FROM nonzerotable;

Note that there is no data in the result. Let’s add some with the following script.

INSERT INTO nonzerotable (name, age, address) VALUES(

SELECT * FROM nonzerotable;

Note that this time there was a result. Also note that the id field was automatically generated.

Let’s change the age on our entry. Copy the id from the row in Data Output and use it to complete the following script.

UPDATE nonzerotable 
SET age=31

SELECT * FROM nonzerotable;

Note that the age has changed.

Finally, let’s delete our entry with the following script.

DELETE FROM nonzerotable

SELECT * FROM nonzerotable;

Additional Resources

Postgres is a simple, cheap data storage technology which makes it a great choice for initial learning ventures into current data storage practices but there are also many other technologies you can choose. If you’re intrigued then feel free to check out alternatives such as MySQL, Redis, or MongoDB.

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